Samaria Rose Lemke
Ruth-Mary Smith
Release Date:
November 2021
£6.99 PB £11.99 HB
265x250mm Picture Book
Age group:
9781922503480 PB
9781922503473 HB
Little Mister Gets a Sister
Larrikin House

Dad says there’s a baby coming but I’m not happy. I don’t think babies are cute – especially not little sisters…With everyone else delighted by the new addition to the family, will big brother find a way to get rid of his new baby sister or will he see that she’s not really as bad as he thinks?
Key Selling Points:
Explores the arrival of a new baby, sibling rivalry and unconditional love
Encourages an understanding of the impact that a new addition to the family can have on a sibling
Warm and whimsical illustrations throughout by Ruth-Mary Smith
A sweet rhyming story that limerick lovers will enjoy
A perfect read aloud book for the classroom
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