Jackie Hosking
Leah Russack
Release Date:
September 2020
265mm x 250mm Picture Book
Age group:
Temper Tabitha
Larrikin House

We’ve all seen a bratty “Temper Tabitha” having a meltdown in public. But what happens when adults behave like children too? This cleverly written story by rhyme & meter expert Jackie Hosking highlights one of the great misconceptions about adults: just because a person has grown up physically, doesn’t always guarantee that they’ve grown up emotionally and mentally too. Observation of adult behaviour often proves this to be true. Author Jackie Hosking is a rising star with seven picture books in production including titles with publishers like Walker Books & Scholastic.
Key Selling Points:
- Fun and engaging adventure story
- Encourages mindfulness, manners and sharing
- Easy to follow rhyming text keeps little ones excited and curious
- Teaches children the importance of sharing and being respectful
- Bright and colourful illustrations by illustrator Leah Russack
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